Moe Htet Kyaw

I chose to teach high school students because this is a pivotal time when they start to critically examine their experiences. My goal is to enhance their understanding through the lens of mathematics.

Moe’s Story

Teaching Discipline


Why Mathematics

I chose to teach high school mathematics because it’s always been portrayed as a “factual” and “objective” discipline, when in reality it’s an abstracted perspective of our world drawn from our own subjectivities. Breaking down this discipline and understanding it puts to practice the skill of being critical of our faith and beliefs, and allows us to consciously and intentionally choose our beliefs.

Professional Experience

The 2024-2025 school year will be Moe’s first full year teaching. Before that, he was an eighth grade physics teacher for a summer school program in 2022, and student taught Geometry and AP Calculus at Burton High School for the 2023-2024 school year.

Moe will start his first year teaching Mathematics at Thurgood Marshall Academic High School, in San Francisco, California, in the 2024-2025 school year.


Outside the classroom you can find Moe spending time with friends and family forming new stories, from cooking meals together to late night park adventures.

Academic Background

  • Swarthmore College (Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics and Bachelor of Arts in Education Studies)
  • Stanford University (M.A. Education)