I wanted to become a teacher to inspire others just like my teachers inspired me.”

Cassandra’s Story

Teaching Discipline


Why Mathematics

“Through my first year of teaching, I have noticed that students typically have either a positive or negative mindset about mathematics from past experiences. One of my main goals is to change that fixed mindset and get them to see that it is okay to challenge themselves with difficult tasks. I want to make sure that all of my students are confident in their mathematical abilities and are willing to try new things.”

Volunteer Experience

Cassie is passionate about helping others. During her undergraduate studies, she tutored University of Nebraska athletes. In 2013, she began serving as Girl Scout Co-Leader for Human Elementary Troop 20333.


Cassie enjoys planning activities for her Girl Scouts, spending time with family and friends, and crafting.

Academic Background

  • University of Nebraska-Lincoln (Bachelor of Science in Education and Human Sciences, Mathematics Major)